Top Ten Reasons Why Some Androids suck

For most of us who've owned an Android phone at some point or other...we know the difficulties. 

---They are not created equal.  In fact...the majority overall suck. 

Just ask any current smartphone owner. 

They will [literally] testify that only the S10 and 20 models, and the Ultra G+ are worth buying right now.  Most other models are plain dollar store quality.

---As my old college professor used to say … Dumbphone

1. Cost. Smartphones are generally cheaper in cost than the standard iPhone (even prepaid) ---and there's a reason for that. Their OS platforms (firmware/functionality) and basic software (and updates) are mixed bags.  Samsung --- The alleged kingpin of high-end smartphones--no longer makes them built to last.  The average lifespan is maybe 1-year (if you're lucky).  

2. Security.  Open malware and virus issues.  Very poorly manufactured software (like some Microsoft programs) Android seems to just buy up any cheap-ass stuff out there, and then bloatware their poor defenseless phones - while overcharging what the devices are realistically worth. 

3. Updates take too long.  While our iPhone friends (and family) are happily cruising...the Google market---which once was top of its game---has slacked BIG TIME in recent years. Most updates take several months. With zero guarantees they'll actually do their job--and the results, unfortunately, vary with each phone. 

4. Battery life.  Plain terrible.  Most phones today are built in. Which means not having to buy a replacement over time. However, that ALSO means having to invest in a portable charger. Which is just more money out of your pocket...  I personally haven't met one iPhone user who's had to recharge their phone 2 or 3 times a day. 

5.  Software.  Any random time you visit Play Store, half the apps you search turn up junk. As in, ratings as low as 2.5 And that's because Google could care less.  Any old Joe can construct an app full of malware and whatnot-that easily finds its way onto your phone---and truly mess things up >: (

6. Truly useless features.  Take the idiot Stylus for example.  Talk about old school. Seriously.  I haven't used one of those since about 2014. I prefer manual typing like anyone else, and Google Voice --- HELLO.  Also---the biometric fingerprint doesn't actually work on most phones.  And let's not get started on Bixby. 

7. Constant Freezing.  Pages only half loading or the insistent annoyance "Sorry, the server is not responding" crap. I don't care what model you or your friend have.  Not a single smartphone goes through life without freezing up at some point.  And it's beyond annoying.  You are in the middle of a Facebook post or scrolling somewhere.  And it stalls.  And that is just one example.  Chrome browser, anything...

8. Market.  Android brags about being market dominance when they are not.  They keep trying to buy up the greater market, but that won't happen---because Apple is a conglomerate. There are 5 iPhone users to every 1 smartphone owner.  

9.  Warranty.  Prepaid phones don't have one.  Which means if your $150-300 phone gets lost, stolen, broken, or plain goes berserk, you must have active insurance or kiss it goodbye.  If you have a leased phone, you must purchase insurance separately, which can get quite pricey.  I've known such coverage to be as steep as $21 a month. THEN you haggle endlessly with the carrier AND the insurance for copout repairs and temporary fixes that only leave you shaking your head. 

10.  Ownership.  The majority of phone users, including some family members, all have iPhones.  They absolutely hate androids and will never switch back. And most of the Shipt shoppers I know and work with---who formerly had smartphones---all have iPhones now.  Because they are of better quality and functioning.   


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