
Showing posts from 2022

Credit One Bank: Consumer Beware

If you have a lower credit score, it can become difficult to find a credit card that will work with you. Consumers in such a position often receive popup ads online, about credit offers, or in their mail.  Along comes issuers like Credit One Bank---often confused with Capital One---who offers said individual with bad credit, the opportunity of rebuilding. By prequalifying them for a small credit line. Typically in the ballpark of $200-$500.  But, before taking the bait on applying for Credit One, here's a few things you should know: Why Consumer reviews have rated them so poorly. And, why it may be the credit card to avoid. Credit One's Reputation They are a credit company with a poor reputation because of their severe lack of consumer services, and their ever-changing, often, upgrading of fees They charge for credit increases, and 'Express Pay' on their website---or instant, overnight payments. Which isn't that great of an option, as some have reported their paymen...

Top Ten Reasons Why Some Androids suck

For most of us who've owned an Android phone at some point or other...we know the difficulties.  ---They are not created equal.  In fact...t he majority overall suck.  Just ask any current smartphone owner.  They will [literally] testify that only the S10 and 20 models, and the Ultra G+ are worth buying right now.  Most other models are plain dollar store quality. ---As my old college professor used to say … Dumbphone 1.   Cost. Smartphones are generally cheaper in cost than the standard iPhone (even prepaid) ---and there's a reason for that. Their OS platforms (firmware/functionality) and basic software (and updates) are mixed bags.  Samsung --- The alleged kingpin of high-end smartphones--no longer makes them built to last.  The average lifespan is maybe  1-year (if you're lucky).   2.   Security.  Open malware and virus issues.  Very poorly manufactured software (like some Microsoft programs) Android seems to...