If you have a lower credit score, it can become difficult to find a credit card that will work with you. Consumers in such a position often receive popup ads online, about credit offers, or in their mail. Along comes issuers like Credit One Bank---often confused with Capital One---who offers said individual with bad credit, the opportunity of rebuilding. By prequalifying them for a small credit line. Typically in the ballpark of $200-$500. But, before taking the bait on applying for Credit One, here's a few things you should know: Why Consumer reviews have rated them so poorly. And, why it may be the credit card to avoid. Credit One's Reputation They are a credit company with a poor reputation because of their severe lack of consumer services, and their ever-changing, often, upgrading of fees They charge for credit increases, and 'Express Pay' on their website---or instant, overnight payments. Which isn't that great of an option, as some have reported their paymen...